Yonemoto Kiyoshi,"Deriving Reference-Dependent Utility Function from Pareto or Lognormal Income Distribution:The Role of Migration in Evolution ", January 9, 2025. -
黒川基裕, 飯島明宏, Vu Ngoc Cham",途上国における改良クッキングストーブの環境性能評価", March 29, 2024. -
Hiroyuki Egami, Takahisa Wakabayashi, and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "Video game play positively affects well-being: evidence from a natural experiment in Japan", October 19, 2022. -
Hiroyuki Egami, Takahisa Wakabayashi, and Tsuyoshi Yamamoto, "Do video games negatively affect mental health under COVID-19? Evidence from a natural experiment in Japan", September 29, 2021. -
丸山奈穂,"高崎市におけるベトナムからの技能実習生およびインバウンド観光に関する住民の考えに対する実態調査", March 31, 2021. -
Yonemoto Kiyoshi, "Infectious Disease, Dynamic and Static Externalities in Two-Location Model: Theoretical and Simulation Analyses" January 5, 2021 -
中村匡克,“財政を通じた社会問題の解決と民間の利他的行動”,March 25, 2020. (Revised: March 23, 2021) -
熊澤利和・森田稔・郷堀ヨゼフ,“宗教性が医療者の職業上の満足度・達成度や感情労働に及ぼす影響分析”,November 15, 2018. -
小牧幸代,“パキスタン系移民社会と強制結婚〜ノルウェーの事例を中心に—〜”,March 31, 2017. (revised: August 1, 2020) -
小牧幸代,“イスラーム復興と宗教商品をめぐるグローバルビジネス〜現代南アジアにおける聖遺物信仰の再活性化とその背景〜”,May 10, 2016. -
吉武信彦,“ノーベル賞の国際政治学〜ノーベル平和賞と日本:吉田茂元首相の推薦をめぐる1966年の秘密工作〜”,April 11, 2016. -
若林隆久,“「はたらく」を考える〜就職活動とキャリアを考える上での三つのヒント〜”,September 29, 2015. -
佐藤壮夫・若林隆久,“学習革命への挑戦〜学生起業という選択肢〜, September 29, 2015. -
Kazuyuki Iwata, "Kenta Tanaka and Teruyuki Tamura, Public announcements of violators and compliance behaviors under a tradable permits scheme: Experimental analysis of market trading", July 30, 2015. -
高橋一惠・若林隆久,“音楽教育におけるキャリア形成と教育理念〜専門分野におけるキャリア教育のあり方の模索〜”,March 21, 2015. -
功刀祐之・岩田和之・宮澤秀悟,“外国人比率と犯罪率〜都道府県別データを用いた外国人犯罪の費用〜”,March 4, 2015. -
功刀祐之・岩田和之・堀口俊,“自治体合併による水道事業への影響〜効率性改善とCO2削減についての考察〜”,July 2, 2014. -
Kazuyuki Iwata, Toshi H. Arimura and Tetsuya Shimane, "The effectiveness of vehicle emission control policies: Evidence from Japanese experience", May 19, 2014. -
Kazuyuki Iwata, Hajime Katayama and Toshi H.Arimura, "Do households misperceive the benefits of energy-saving actions? Evidence from a Japanese household survey", April 30, 2014. -
Kazuyuki Iwata and Shunsuke Managi, "Can Urban Planning Instruments Solve Externalities? Empirical Analysis of Regulations and Taxes", April 1, 2014 -
中村匡克,“市町村の規模を考慮した権限移譲に関する検討”,March 31, 2014. -
Motohiro Kurokawa, "Improving R&D capability in auto parts manufacturers through VA/VE experience", November 8, 2013. -
Motohiro Kurokawa, "Effects of public-private collaborations for industrial development project", November 6, 2013. -
Motohiro Kurokawa, "Strategies for Creative Industry Development, Case of Thailand", November 1, 2013. -
Kiyoshi Yonemoto, ”Utility as a Function of Consumption”, Asset and Their Changes August 6, 2013. -
Kiyoshi Yonemoto, "Utility of Change and Lifetime Consumption", August 6, 2013. -
中村匡克,“市町村におけるエリア別将来人口推計の方法と実際——東京都町田市の事例をもとに——”,February 22, 2013. -
Kazuyuki Iwata, Yutaka Ito and Shunsuke Managi, "Public and Private Mitigation for Natural Disasters in Japan", October 5, 2012. -
高橋美穂子・大橋良生,“株式公開買付による経営統合化の短期株価効果”, September 1, 2012. -
Mioko Takahashi and Leon Wong, "The Usefulness of Other Comprehensive Income Items in Japan", June 28, 2012. -
中村匡克,“市町村におけるごみ処理有料制の実施インセンティブ”,March 31, 2011. -
Takanori Ago, "Spatial Cournot competition with mobile consumers", December 14, 2010.
(revised: February 4, 2011) -
中村匡克,“道・州の行政区域を考える上で求められる視点”, March 31, 2010. -
Akihiro Kawase and Tadakatsu Nakamura, "Effective Policy Package on Household Garbage and Recying", November 20, 2009. -
Takanori Ago, "Mixed oligopoly in a two-dimensional city", November 6, 2009. -
中村匡克,“ごみ処理事業における市町村の政策・運営と効率性”,April 25, 2009. -
Takanori Ago and Ikuo Ishibashi, "Spatial competition with home bias", October 26, 2008. -
Takanori Ago, "Cournot competition in a two-dimensional city", October 10, 2008.
(revised: October 31, 2008) -
中村匡克・川瀬晃弘, “市町村における家庭ごみ収集政策の実証分析”, May 18, 2007. -
中村匡克・川瀬晃弘, “地方自治体の行財政能力と国からの権限委譲”, May 8, 2007. -
中村匡克・川瀬晃弘・宮下量久, “ごみ減量政策とリサイクル促進政策の効果”, December 20, 2006.
(改訂版は『計画行政』30巻4号2008年に掲載) -
柘植隆宏・庄子康・宮原紀壽・藤原千尋, “エコツアー参加者はどんなツアーを望んでいるのか〜知床国立公園における実証分析〜”, December 26, 2006. -
Takanori Ago, "Central Agglomeration of Monopolistically CompetitiveFirms." June 7, 2006.
(改訂版は,Journal of Economic Geographyに2008年9月に掲載)