No.4 (March 2012)
In Honor of Professor Kato Ichiro

Yano Syuuichi/Ishikawa Hiromichi

Mizuguchi Takashi/Kato Ichiro

The Life Work of Professor Kato Ichiro


Political Economy on Public Works
Ikegami Jun (1)

A Study of Muen-Shakai (a Disconnected Society):Obligation of Economics and Some Points st Issue
Sakai Akio (13)

Accumulated Government Bonds and Ultraloose Monetary Policy:
Structure of Government Bonds Bubble Market Underpinned by Bank of
Yamada Hirofumi (49)

Present Conditions and Types of Mountain Villages of Japan in the
Early21st century
Nishino Toshiaki (41)
The Expansions and Presentations of the New Essays on Both
Multipliers Theories of Tourism Income and Area Income Containing
Social Cost

Hojo Yusaku (
Financial Globalization from the Perspective of the International
Political Economy:In the Case of E.Helleiner
Yano Shuichi (77)
Adaptations of Academic Journal Abstracts to Conflicting Demands of Stakeholders
Okakura Akiko/Philip Shaw (93)
Human Befavior of Fire Accidents in the Railway Tunnel
Hisamunt Shuji/Fukushi Kohsei (109)
Exploring Meta-Pragmatic Awareness of Japanese Learners of English :Focusing on Speech Act of Request by Lower-Intermediate Proficiency College Students
Akutu Yuka(103)
Mitsubishi Corporation and Kotobuki Works Co.Ltd.(2)
−Textile Machine Trading between the World Wars− 
Kato Kenta(49)

On the Semantics of Specificational Pseudoclefts and Comparative Correlatives
Iwasaki Eiichi(149)

A Study on theIimplementation of Plurilingual Competence Development in Japan:Some Clues from a Questionnaire on Japanese Students' View of Foreign Languages
Harada Yoriko (165)
A System Unifying the Managing Process from Forestry to
Housing-Building Industries, and Environmental Conservation
Maeda Takuo (181)

A Study about a Way of Thinking for Local Public Transport Reproduction:Through a Public Transport Plan of Ota-City in Gunma Pref. and Measures
Arai Yoshizumi (197)

Research Note
The Disaster of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and the Constitution
Shimizu Shuji

Abstract of the final lecture
Disaster and Public Finance:
Requiem, Reconstruction, Renaissance
Kato Ichiro (221)

Lectura Abstract
Social Costs of Nuclear Power:
Towards a Sustainable Economy
Oshima Kenichi (225)

Editors' Report
Editors' Report (211)

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