

<Academic Work>

1. Y, Miyata. (2018). Laplace approximations using $n^{\alpha}$-consistent estimators, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 194, 25-31. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jspi.2017.10.003

2. Masanari Iida, Yoichi Miyata, and Takayuki Shiohama. (2017). Bootstrap Estimation and Model Selection for Multivariate Normal Mixtures using Parallel Computing with Graphics Processing Units, (Published online in Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation)

3. Y, Miyata. (2017). Laplace approximations and Bayesian Information criteria in misspecified models (Published online in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods).

4. Y, Miyata. (2017). Laplace approximations and their application to Bayesian statistics, (in Japanese), to appear in Suugaku

5. Y, Miyata. (2013). An application of the bootstrap information criterion to educational data (in Japanese), Journal of Mathematics Education Society of Waseda University, 31,1, 25-31.

6. Y, Miyata. (2011). Maximum likelihood estimators in finite mixture models with censored data, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141, 56-64.

7. Y, Miyata. (2010). Approximate Marginal Posterior Distributions Using Asymptotic Modes, Communications in Statistics----Theory and Methods.

8. Y, Miyata (2010). Laplace Approximations to Means and Variances with Asymptotic Modes, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
Supplemental Files: Detailed Derivation of Laplace Approximations Using Asymptotic Modes

9. Y, Miyata (2008). Higher Order Expansions for Posterior Distributions Using Posterior Modes,
            Journal of the Japan Statistical Society

10. Y, Miyata (2008). 少人数クラスにおける数学基礎学力について, 早稲田大学本庄高等学院研究紀要

11. Y, Miyata. (2004). Fully Exponential Laplace Approximations Using Asymptotic Modes, 99, 1037-1049,
            Journal of the American Statistical Association.

12. Y, Miyata. (2002). Differentiability of Densities, 25, No.1, 153-163, Tokyo Journal of Mathematics.

13. Y, Miyata. (2001). The Lower Bound for MSE In Statistical Prediction Theory, 31, 111-127,
            Journal of the Japan Statistical Society.

<Research Interest>

<Data Library>

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