Takasaki City University of Economics (TCUE) Data Library
by Yoichi MIYATA

[1] Health Science Data (download)
The aim of this study is to evaluate position control capabilities in a back and forth direction.
The dataset comprises measurements of time that 93 men in their twenties keep standing on a thin bar.
The thin bar is called "balance stick" in Japanese.
This has 2 variables "time(sec)" and "censored" with censored=1 if the measurement is censored, and censored=0 if the measurement is observed.
Although the time-data are measured together for several subjects, it takes long time to repeat the experiment, and gather the data.
Besides the subjects participate without reward.
From this, to avoid their inconvenience,
the measurement time was restricted to less than 60 seconds.
(This restriction might make statistical analysis complex.)

The full datasets in all ages can be also retrieved from here.
For example, age=3 if a measured man is in his thirties